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Public procurements for 2017Announcement for public procurement no. 07/201720.07.2017 Subject matter of contract: Property insurance, collective insurance of the employees and travel insurance for 2017Type of public contract: Services - Number of category of services: 6 Financial services: insurance services, bank and financial services Contract notice for simplified competitive procedure number: 7/2017 (.pdf) The announcement is published on the electronic system for public procurements. Announcement for public procurement no. 06/201719.04.2017 Subject matter of contract: Internet connection and voice services in fixed telephonyType of public contract: Services - Number of category of services: 5 Telecommunication services Contract notice for simplified competitive procedure number: 6/2017 (.pdf) The announcement is published on the electronic system for public procurements. Announcement for public procurement no. 05/201704.04.2017 Subject matter of contract: Fuel for motor vehicles for 2017Type of public contract: Goods – Purchase Contract notice for simplified competitive procedure number: 5/2017 (.pdf) The announcement is published on the electronic system for public procurements. Announcement for public procurement no. 04/201730.03.2017 Subject matter of contract: Maintenance of light motor vehicles for 2017Type of public contract: Services - Number of category of services: 1 Maintenance and repair services Contract notice for simplified competitive procedure number: 4/2017 (.pdf) The announcement is published on the electronic system for public procurements. Announcement for public procurement no. 03/201708.02.2017 Subject matter of contract: Accounting services for 2017Type of public contract: Services - Number of category of services: 9 Accounting, audit and book-keeping services Contract notice for simplified competitive procedure number: 3/2017 (.pdf) The announcement is published on the electronic system for public procurements. Announcement for public procurement no. 02/201707.02.2017 Subject matter of contract: Office stationary for 2017Type of public contract: Goods - Purchase Contract notice for simplified competitive procedure number: 2/2017 (.pdf) The announcement is published on the electronic system for public procurements. Announcement for public procurement no. 01/201707.02.2017 Subject matter of contract: Sanitation services for the DSCI offices in 2017Type of public contract: Services - Number of category of services: 14 Sanitation services and property management services Contract notice for simplified competitive proceure number: 1/2017 (.pdf) The announcement is published on the electronic system for public procurements. Annual public procurements plan for 201726.01.2017 Annual public procurements plan for 2017 (.pdf) |