Advanced Research Workshop on Encouraging Cyber Defence Awareness in the Balkans

17-19 March 2015, Skopje


In the period from 17 to19 March 2015, representatives of the Directorate for Security of Classified Information took part in the advanced research workshop titled Encouraging Cyber Defence Awareness the Balkans, sponsored by NATO Science for Peace and Security programme and organized by the Euro-Atlantic Bulgarian Youth Club and Research Center for Security, Defense and Peace in Macedonia.
The main goal of the workshop was to raise the awareness for cyber defense, how to create a strategy, frames and agencies that will handle the daily threats in the cyber space. The workshop was focused on mutual cyber threats in the Western Balkans, training the teams to respond fast, to develop strategies, the complexity of the hybrid wars and the role of the social-human factor in handling these threats. In this context, the Baltic approach for raising the cybernetic awareness was presented.
Essential lecturers and participants in the workshop were academic and social experts from the region with great experience in the cybernetic area, cyber war and information security.