Seminars and Trainings

Civil Servants’ Mobility Programme

Bratislava, 24 February 2020


PictureA three-member delegation of the Directorate for Security of Classified Information took part in the Civil Servants' Mobility Programme – “Digitalization, Digital Economy and Data Protection” in Bratislava, Slovak Republic in the period between 24 and 28 of February 2020. Organized by GLOBSEC and other think - tanks from Visegrad countries and supported by the International Visegrad Fund, the overall goal of the study visit was sharing Slovak experiences with representatives of countries striving for a full-fledged membership in the EU in areas such as: cybersecurity, data protection, digitalization of the public administration and protection of the critical digital infrastructure. Comprised of a series of working visits to state institutions, private

TAIEX Workshop on the Protection of Sensitive Information

Skopje, 22-23 March, 2018


PictureWith the support of the TAIEX instrument of the European Commission, the Directorate for Security of Classified Information organized a workshop entitled “Treatment of Sensitive Information in the areas of Business, Banking and Auditing – Legal Solutions and Practices” on 22nd and 23rd of March 2018 at the hotel Holiday Inn – Skopje. The director of the DSCI, Mr. Stojan Slaveski, Ph.D., opened the two-day workshop, followed by lectures given by experts from the Directorate for Security of Classified Information of the Republic of Macedonia and from the national security authorities of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Republic of Croatia and the Kingdom of Spain.
The overall goal of this two-day workshop was to get comparative insights, exchange of experiences and improve the knowledge of the participants in the treatment of classified and sensitive information in the areas of Business, Banking and Auditing.
With the purpose of integrating various experiences that arise from the everyday practical work with classified and sensitive information, representatives of state institutions, audit bodies, commercial banks, private companies, non-governmental organizations and key institutions from the critical infrastructure as well as from the security sector of the Republic of Macedonia were invited to take part in the workshop.

Seminar for promotion of the “Risk Assessment Methodology for CIS Security”

Skopje, 04 May 2017


A seminar for promotion of the “Risk Assessment Methodology for CIS Security”, a project financed by the OSCE Mission to Skopje and organized in cooperation with the Directorate for Security of Classified Information, was held on 04 May 2017 at Hotel Solun in Skopje. The participants in the seminar were introduced to the project phases and the development of the methodology in cooperation with the National Security Authority of the Republic of Slovenia, as well as with the perspectives for ensuring its sustainability, for its evaluation and the future prospects for its implementation by a larger number of state institutions in the Republic of Macedonia.

Cyber Security related TAIEX Workshop

Skopje, 20-21 April 2017


On 20-21 April 2017 at Hotel Arka in Skopje, with the support of of the European Commission TAIEX instrument, the Directorate for Security of Classified Information organized the workshop on the “NSA role in the process of establishing and operational work of CIRT (Cyber Incident Response Team)”. The workshop was attended by approximately 50 participants, including representatives of the DSCI and the state organs from the Republic of Macedonia which have competencies or participate in the work of the national CIRT.
Guest speakers at the workshop were the representatives of the CIRT authorities of Croatia, Czech Republic and Finlad and a representative of the EU Council General Secretariat, as well as representatives of the Macedonian CIRT (MKD-CIRT).

Visit to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Luxembourg, 06-08 March 2017


Upon invitation of the Director of the National Security Authority of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Director of the Directorate for Security of Classified Information visited Luxembourg on 06-08 March 2017. The meeting was used for discussions about the possibilities for enhancing the mutual cooperation and for harmonization of the draft text of the bilateral agreement for exchange and mutual protection of classified information between the governments of the two countries.

Cyber Czech 2016

Brno, Czech Republic, 28 February 2017 – 01 March 2017


Three representatives from the Directorate for Security of Classified Information participated in the exercise technical cyber security entitled as “Cyber Security Simulation,” which was held in the period from February 28 to March 1, 2017 in Brno, Czech Republic, at the Masaryk University. The event was organized by the European Commission with the support of the TAIEX instrument, in cooperation with the National Security Authority (NSA) of the Czech Republic. Besides participants from Macedonia, there were representatives from other Balkan countries: Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Albania. The exercise was held on a cyber polygon at the Institute of Informatics which is an integral part of Masaryk University in Brno. This event was conducted in the form of a simulation in a closed especially modified technical environment.

TAIEX Expert Mission on Classified Information Inspection Teams: Legal Framework, Organizational Positioning and Penalty Policy

Skopje, 06-07 December 2016


On 06-07 December 2016, a representative of the Security Office of the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union and a representative of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Slovenia visited Skopje in an expert mission, supported by the TAIEX instrument of the European Commission. The mission was focused on the legal framework, organizational positioning and the working programs of the inspection teams, as well as on the penalty policy.

ТAIEX Workshop on the Interaction of Free Access to Information with Personal Data and Classified Information

Skopje, 29 - 30 November 2016


Four representatives of the Directorate for Security of Classified Information participated in the workshop on “The Interaction of Free Access to Information with Personal Data and Classified Information”, held on 29-30 November 2016 in Skopje, and organized by the Commission for Protection of the Right to Free Access to Public Information, with the support of the TAIEX instrument of the European Commission. The workshop gathered guest lecturers from Estonia, Germany, Scotland, Slovenia and Spain, and participants from the state organs having the capacity of officials for mediation during exercising the right for free access to public information.

Generals, Flag Officers and Ambassadors’ Course (GFOAC)

Rome, 07–16 November 2016


A representative of the Directorate took part in the Generals, Flag Officers and Ambassadors’ Course (GFOAC) that was held on 07-16 November 2016 in organization by the NATO Defence College in Rome, Italy. The first part of the training was accomplished at the College, while the second part included a study trip to Brussels. The aim of the course was to enhance mutual understanding of security concerns and of NATO's interests and capabilities among Generals and Flag Officers and high-ranking civilians including ambassadors from NATO, PfP, Med Dialogue, ICI, Contact Countries and Iraq.

Integrated Partner Orientation Course (IPOC)

Rome, 17–21 October 2016


A representative of the Directorate for Security of Classified Information took part in the Integrated Partner Orientation Course (IPOC) that took place in the period from 17 to 21 October 2015 at the NATO College in Rome, Italy. The emphasis of the training was put on the advancing the knowledge of the participants about NATO, its role and priorities, its internal structure and organization, its missions, as well as on its external affairs with the partner countries and the international organizations. The discussions also tackled the ways each of these elements is developed as a result of the changes and the new challenges in the international security environment.

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