Agreement with the Hellenic Republic on mutual protection of the exchanged classified information

Skopje, 26 February 2021


PictureThe Agreement between the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia and the Government of the Hellenic Republic on Mutual Protection of the Exchanged Classified Information was signed on February 26, 2021 in Skopje.
On behalf of the two Governments, the Agreement was signed by the Directors of the respective National Security Authorities, Mr. Stojan Slaveski and Major General Angelos Choudeloudis. At the meeting, the focus of the discussions was put on the existing bilateral relations between the two countries and on the new possibilities for cooperation in areas that involve exchange of classified information. At the same time, mutual commitments were reiterated for intensifying the close cooperation and for reaffirmation of the confidence building process between the two counties as an example for good neighborly relations in the region.