Skopje, 5-9 November 2012
Within the activities for entering into an agreement with the USA on the exchange and protection of classified information, the US National Disclosure Policy Committee (NDPC) security team visit to the Republic of Macedonia was accomplished in the period from 5 to 9 November 2012. The visit was part of the bilateral negotiation process between the Republic of Macedonia and the USA for entering into a General Security Military Information Agreement (GSOMIA). The aim of the visit was to make an analysis of the existing legislation in the Republic of Macedonia concerning the protection of classified information, as well as of the distinct conditions for safeguarding and handling of classified information within the state organs and the special production companies in order to determine the compatibility of the legislations and the practices for handling of classified information in the two countries.
The US team had meetings and talks with the Macedonian delegation for bilateral negotiations during which it was briefed on the laws and the by-laws regulating the protection of classified information in the country. During the visit the work and the competencies of the Directorate for Security of Classified Information within the Republic of Macedonia were presented and a number of meetings were held with officials of the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Defence, the ARM General Staff, the Ministry of Economy and the Customs Administration, as well as of the company “EUROKOMPOZIT – 11 Oktomvri” in Prilep dealing with defence and security related production. At the end of the visit, the American representatives invited the Delegation of the Republic of Macedonia for negotiating bilateral agreements on classified information in the beginning of 2013 to visit the relevant institutions and the capacities of the USA related to handling and safeguarding of classified information, after which harmonization of the text of the bilateral agreement will follow.